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Domain Name

What is a Domain name ?
In simple words, a domain name is equivalent to address. Just like in the real world a person lives in a house which has it's own unique address, Similarly every domain name assigned is unique and refers to a person, an organization or everything one can think of.
It is like an online identity where people can find their desired results.
The domain name has been divided into two parts :-
1.The Label

Label : It's simply the name of your website. It begins after the http(hyper text terminal protocol) and mostly from the www(world wide web). Label generally is kept as an important keyword in determining the website's content.
For example ,
If the website is related to music it would be like http://www.music.com or
If the website is related to news it can be designated as http://www.cnn.com , www.news.com , etc

Extension : After the label the website ends with an extension. For example .com, .net, .org, etc

Domain name Types :-
There are several types of domain names extensions but the 3 most popular domain name extensions are :-

.com refers to commercial
Although all the websites now are not commercial whose domain name ends with .com.
It was established in 1985 and till date it is the largest used extension.
It is managed by Verisign (an American company NASDAQ sponsored)

.net refers to network
Nowadays .net is becoming popular and people go for .net extension when their desired name is not available on .com
It was also established in 1985 and is managed by Verisign

.org refers to an organization
These extension site are generally non profit sites like the who.org
It was introduced in 1985 but became operational since 2003.
This is operated by Afilias

All the three domain names are called generic top-level domain or gTLD.


Other important domain names are :-
.biz for businesses
.info for information on a particular subject
.edu for educational institutions or study purposes
.gov for government use
.name for the use of individuals name
.mil for military forces
.aero for aviation related businesses
.cat for Catalan linguistic and cultural community
.coop for cooperatives
.int for international treaty organizations
.jobs for employment related sites
.museum for museums, museum associations, and individual members of    the museum profession
.pro for website owner who is professional with valid credentials
.travel for travel industry. This includes travel agents, airlines, tourism bureaus, and others in the travel industry
.arpa for Internet-infrastructure purposes
.mobi for mobile devices and services
.post for national and regional postal services both government and private
.tel for internet communication
.geo for geographical locations
.kid for children
.xxx for adult rated sites(at present not for use)

Country related domain names are
.ac .ad .ae .af .ag .ai .al
.am .an .ao .aq .ar .as .at
.au .aw .ax .az .ba .bb .bd
.be .bf .bg .bh .bi .bj .bm
.bn .bo .br .bs .bt .bv .bw
.by .bz .ca .cc .cd .cf .cg
.ch .ci .ck .cl .cm .cn .co
.cr .cu .cv .cx .cy .cz .de
.dj .dk .dm .do .dz .ec .ee
.eg .er .es .et .eu .fi .fj
.fk .fm .fo .fr .ga .gd .ge
.gf .gg .gh .gi .gl .gm .gn
.gp .gq .gr .gs .gt .gu .gw
.gy .hk .hm .hn .hr .ht .hu
.id .ie .il .im .in .io .iq
.ir .is .it .je .jm .jo .jp
.ke .kg .kh .ki .km .kn .kr
.kw .ky .kz .la .lb .lc .li
.lk .lr .ls .lt .lu .lv .ly
.ma .mc .md .mg .mh .mk .ml
.mm .mn .mo .mp .mq .mr .ms
.mt .mu .mv .mw .mx .my .mz
.na .nc .ne .nf .ng .ni .nl
.no .np .nr .nu .nz .om .pa
.pe .pf .pg .ph .pk .pl .pm
.pn .pr .ps .pt .pw .py .qa
.re .ro .ru .rw .sa .sb .sc
.sd .se .sg .sh .si .sk .sl
.sm .sn .sr .st .sv .sy .sz
.tc .td .tf .tg .th .tj .tk
.tl .tm .tn .to .tr .tt .tv
.tw .tz .ua .ug .uk .us .uy
.uz .va .vc .ve .vg .vi .vn
.vu .wf .ws .ye .yt .yu .za
.zm .zw

Try to find your country specific domain name.



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